
1. リトル・チャロ Little Charo: Lost In New York, Episode 1: LOST IN THE AIRPORT. Reading.

ღ✿✿. 。ಌ⊱ฺฺ ❤ NHK'S LITTLE CHARO ❤ ฺฺ⊰ಌ 。.✿✿ღ

リトル・チャロ Little Charo: Lost In New York, Episode 1: Lost in the Airport

Characters in this episode:-

0:34 Old lady looking for her pet snake, Shirley.
0:44 Airport staff.
1:34 Little Charo.
2:39 Airport guardman.
3:11 Lady Dog.

ღ✿✿. 。ಌ⊱ฺฺ ❤ NHK'S LITTLE CHARO ❤ ฺฺ⊰ಌ 。.✿✿ღ




ケビン·デービー、 1992年殺害者


Source:- http://gogakuru.com/charo/world/onescene.php?id=1


I just love Little Charo to bits! I LOVE him so much that I decided to do a reading of the book, and share it with the world.


If you have been listening to Little Charo on the radio, or had watched older episodes of him on TV, and is in the process of improving your English, then perhaps you might find this a little helpful? I tried to read as slowly as I could, but I always get caught up in the moment and get very excited as I gradually slip into the world of Little Charo!

Because of copy-right reasons, I have decided not to put the words on the screen.

If you have the book, please follow the story by keeping your eyes on the written words. If you don't, 'Little Charo' is available in all book shops.

Little Charo is a character created by NHK. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%88%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%83%81%E3...

All rights belongs solely to NHK and I own nothing except my love for the brave and clever little doggy! I find myself learning many, many lessons as Little Charo tries to make his way back home to Japan, to his beloved owner, Shota!

During his travels in this book, 'Lost In New York', he will meet many other animals and human beings. Some are colourful and loud, some are noble and stoic, some are giddy-goats, and some are just pure joy! Many times, I've thought to myself, 'Oh hey, I know someone like that!'

Thank you, have a great day and happy listening!

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